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You May Not Want To Know But …Here goes!

Paul Collins A Short Trip Around My World September 24, 2020 By Dr. Paul Collins The subject is a compilation of a few of my current interests. A partial list is below (not listed in any order of importance because they are all vital): 1.Prepping to live in a deprived society: when systems break down,…
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Money Matters Are Real Because It Matters

Paul Collins September 14, 2020 It is very disconcerting to have a relationship with folks who are literally under constant financial stress because they never have enough money supply to meet the money demand! It is the kind of pressure that kills initiative, creativity, the immune system, and families! In fact, the list of negatives…
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Who Sez You Gotta have A License? The Gov’ment Man, That’s Who!

Paul Collins September 1, 2020 Just the other day, I was thinking (yes, once in a while I think I think!) and it crossed my mind to make a list of things I can do without a license provided by some level of government. I came up with a very short list, if a list…
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Money, Money Everywhere and Nothing to Save

Paul Collins August 27, 2020 The “regular” American family lives from paycheck to paycheck … or so they say. I believe we need to add a caveat: they live from behind paycheck to behind the next paycheck. You may be saying, “Paul, explain!” Okay, here’s the explanation in a nutshell: “Most Americans are “playing catch…
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Guest Posts

Paul Collins August 25, 2020 Hello, This is Dr. Paul Collins and I own this site. I hope to be able to welcome you as a guest writer. Whether or not I can, will depend on you. What you write has to be legal, moral, and ethical. It has to use language that is suitable…
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Whatever Is The Truth Will Eventually Win

Paul Collins August 15, 2020 Twice in the last week, I have heard the statement ‘It’s what we think we know that keeps us from learning.” Now, that is a truth! Also, do you remember the comedy show on television that had a segment with a grown woman (Lily Tomlin) dressed as a little girl…
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Don’t Ever Say Never!

Paul Collins A Short Trip Around My World August 7, 2020 Whoa! Wait a minute! Surely, they don’t mean it! Mean what? Life will never be the same? I don’t know about that! I have seen life repeat itself. I have seen history repeat itself. I don’t want to ever say never. Life is always…
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The View From My Recliner

Paul Collins July 31, 2020 by Mr. I’van Idea I Can Spell Veracity, But Can’t Be Certain I’ve Found It. The news on television is very confusing. From channel to channel, it’s becoming more and more difficult to determine who is liberal, progressive, moderate, or conservative. Could it be that they all share the same…
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When Is Enough Enough?

Paul Collins July 29, 2020 Here we go! It’s time for a second installment about money … the love of which is the root of all evil! This statement begs the question, “When is enough (money) enough (money)?” There are probably as many answers to the question as there are investors, people with a shortage…
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Money … Real or Phony?

Paul Collins July 29, 2020 Mills, pennies, nickels, dimes, quarters, half dollars, and dollars … these coins are rapidly becoming extinct. Mills_are_ extinct. A mill was one tenth of one cent and used as a sales tax to fund the “Old Age Pension” and that, too, is extinct. A few years ago, pennies were considered…
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